As we come to the TENTH house of astrology, which can be aptly christened as a supreme position in an astrological chart, both followed by western astrologers as well as in vedic system. This house is represented by CAPRICORN which is ruled by SATURN.

The name APEX or SUPREME is felt appropriately as it stands a firm position for the native to establish a status in the society. It can deliver position strongly since it is ruled by SATURN having the natural instinct built in it.

This TENTH  house aims at achieving the very essence of the native in the professional career of the lifetime and the native having contacts, consensus amongst superiors in the management overall attaining the peak in the selected career. Having mentioned in this for a strong and well positioned TENTH house, its negative impact can literally put the native into the streets virtually.

This TENTH house has some correlation between second, sixth and eleventh houses predominantly as we see many versions of the professional career emphasize a credibility of this TENTH house in people doing multi various activities for the day to day living. Hence the nature of profession attained from this house as some abbreviations connected together from the other three mentioned houses.

As this house is governed primarily by the significator SATURN, it can be found to shape the future of native atleast slowly even when the strength of it is less in the horoscope. 

This house is established as one of the four pillars in astrological chart along with first, fourth and seventh houses to shape the native stable through the career, professional identity to establish amongst the society which has become a crucial entity in whole lifetime.


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